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Help support families caring for loved ones with autism. 

February 6, 2025 at 9 - 10:30am
Weekly on Thursday at 9:30 - 10:30am until February 27, 2025

Autism Welcoming Center
1245 Worcester Street
Natick, MA 01760
United States

February 6 Walking Group is cancelled due to inclement weather.

This winter has been a chilly one. Let’s walk through February together. Moms, grab your sneakers and join our Autism Alliance Let's Build a Village Mom's Self-Care Facilitators Katie Casavant and Penny Anderson as they walk inside the Natick Mall every Thursday morning in February.  Let’s get our bodies moving for the ultimate self-care. This walking group is for all fitness levels and promises to be filled with laughter, support, and connection.

Meet Katie and Penny at the Autism Welcoming Center in the Natick Mall at 9:30 am. Our center is located on the second floor near Newbury Comics. Easy parking is available in parking garage A, Level 3. This garage is also known as the Macy’s parking garage and by parking on level 3 (A3), you have easy access to the mall entrance between Jam Time and the old Wegman’s space.

Children of all ages are welcome! Drop-in's welcome. No need to register.

Cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here and on the Mom's Self-Care Facebook page.