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Help support families caring for loved ones with autism. 


A Team to Carry On covers the considerations beyond the wills and trusts: the details of living. Come and join us as Alex Dunn (Nadworny) CFP®, CTFA | Wealth Advisor of Special Needs Financial Planning, a specialty practice of Affinia Finanical Group will walk us through the steps needed to plan for our loved ones future.

"We’ve learned from the families we have worked with over the past 20 years that planning for an individual with special needs requires a different team: a team of professionals, friends and family members who will form an infrastructure to carry on even when you are no longer there.

Planning for the future of an individual with special needs requires marshaling financial resources but even more importantly, arranging for the human resources to carry on in the role of the parents. While no one person can duplicate what a parent does, the family should identify a person who will captain a team with at least three members with distinct roles: a trustee, a guardian and a money manager. Having a team provides the checks and balances that protect against any conflict of interest."

You can view a recording of this workshop here: YouTube