
14 Prospect Street
Milford, MA 01757
United States

Resource Type
Autism Welcoming Initiative
Central-West MA
Age Ranges
Infants and Toddlers (0-4) /
School-Age (5-13) /
Transition-Age (14-21) /
Adulthood (22+)
Languages Spoken
American Sign Language (ASL) /
Arabic /
Chinese-Mandarin /
English /
French /
Haitian Creole /
Portuguese /
Russian /
Age Ranges (AW)
Milford Regional Medical Center Logo

About Milford Regional Medical Center Emergency Department

The goal for the Milford Regional Medical Center Emergency Department is to create a quieter, more welcoming place that boosts efficiency while maintaining high-quality care. They strive to make the environment as calm as possible and want people to feel confident that they’re being treated in one of the most state-of-the-art facilities around. Emergency care is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to all patients who enter the emergency department for evaluation and treatment.

Autism Welcoming Information

The Milford Regional Medical Center ED is Autism WelcomingSM certified and is proud to support individuals with autism. Medical and administrative staff have been educated about autism and how impactful accommodations can make a significant difference. These accommodations include calming kits, visual supports, and/or a quiet space if needed upon your arrival. Please notify the nurse manager of any special accommodations you need.