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Help support families caring for loved ones with autism.

Meet Penny ! As a valuable member of our Autism Alliance team, Penny discovered Autism Alliance through her volunteer work with the Advocates’ Friendship Project. Penny is a mom of three children and is fiercely devoted to helping children and families find strength within themselves, inclusion within their community, and more joy in life. One of Penny’s top priorities is to facilitate further expansion of the Autism Welcoming program, whereby local businesses create a hospitable and accessible community for families and their loved ones with autism. “Our families deserve to live a socially inclusive life and our local businesses have been so amazing in their willingness to fulfill this need. There is so much area of growth for this initiative. I am incredibly proud to be a part of it.”
Penny has a bachelor’s degree in communications from UMass Amherst and has enjoyed a twenty-year career in sales and marketing. Motherhood and life experiences fostered personal growth and strengthened a desire for a second career in human services, specifically helping those families and individuals with autism. I have been humbled by parenthood. It provides perspective on life and has compelled me to do whatever I can to make this world a better place for not only this generation, but future generations to come.
“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.” – Virginia Satir